Unblock RT
Signed: < 1000
< 1,000 EUR
Support the petition "Unblock RT":
100% of the donations will be spend on
supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.).
Every 1 EUR in donations allows us to reach 500 individuals
with the petition message
and get more signatures.
Freedom of speech is crucial, especially in times of war. The European public have a right to decide on the validity of information available from all sources.
March 23, 2022
Google Europe
Nuno Ferrão Figueiredo
Unblock RT
With all the content available on the Internet which is not subject to any censorship, we believe that RT should also be available as it helps Europeans get a broader picture of current affairs. Unblock RT!Support the petition "Unblock RT":
100% of the donations will be spend on
supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.).
Every 1 EUR in donations allows us to reach 500 individuals
with the petition message
and get more signatures.
Petition Timeline
- 2022 Mar 23
Petition initiated
- 2022 Mar 23
2022 Jun 23Signatures collected