Hungarian elections - misled people and irresponsible voters in an extremely manipulated system

Signed: < 1000
Donated: < 1,000 EUR

Support the petition "Hungarian elections - misled people and irresponsible voters in an extremely manipulated system":

100% of the donations will be spend on supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.). Every 1 EUR in donations allows us to reach 500 individuals with the petition message and get more signatures.


I would like to inquire, what kind of opportunities are accessible, if a European citizen is not able to vote at a democratic election, because the freedom of media and freedom of speech is hindered by the government. As EU citizens, Hungarian people would have the right to vote in a democratic system, while the the elections of 2022 in Hungary can be considered antidemocratic in the period of campaigns. (through manipulated and fully controlled, xenophobic governmental media, redesigned voting system and financial dependence in the local governments), not to mention the pro-russian narrative in the "news" and in online media channels.


April 23, 2022


Not decided


András Faluközy

Hungarian elections - misled people and irresponsible voters in an extremely manipulated system

Please provide me with information regarding the following questions: - How do EU institutions evaluate the Hungarian elections, and the opportunities of the Hungarian political parties in the media? - How could an EU citizen ask for help in the current situation, when the Hungarian election sysytem and the Hungarian governmental media is not providing our basic rights and also threatens or blocks equal opportuinities in the political system? - How is it to be treated when soft Russian-supporter messages are communicated in the media and the war is described as a "slavic conflict" - I think, this is also a type of hate speech. Also hate speech is the oftenly used "libernyák" phrase, applied by PM Victor Orbán, when talking about liberal people(he is said to be illiberal). Also gay and other lmbtq citizens are connected to pedophilia, as tyipical "sources" and actors of such crimes. The main source of radicalism is perhaps poverty, and when more and more people live in Hungary are living under the poverty line, the number of govermental voters may even rise significantly(again: the lack of EU sources can be risky). FIDESZ voters act sometimes like fundamentalists, and do not care about the real phenomenons, or do not criticise- they are not disturbed by radical political voices. They are extremely committed and their approach is not based or rational thinking or solidarity. I think, as EU citizens, Hungarian people should entrust progressive and more developed political parties, but EU actors have also responsibility, e.g. in case of restriction of EU funds. EU leaders are punishing the whole society this way, while being potentially counterproductive. I think, regulations to protect the rights of all the EU citizens should exist, or these are to be created in the near future, to prevent the further economical and social damages in Hungary and in some EU politics. If the aforementioned issues belong to a specified institution of the EU administration, please forward or send it to your competent collegue. Thank you in advance, András Faluközy

Support the petition "Hungarian elections - misled people and irresponsible voters in an extremely manipulated system":

100% of the donations will be spend on supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.). Every 1 EUR in donations allows us to reach 500 individuals with the petition message and get more signatures.

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Petition Timeline

  • 2022 Apr 23
    Petition initiated

  • 2022 Apr 23
    2022 Jul 23
    Signatures collected