Signed: < 1000
< 1,000 EUR
Support the petition "BRAIN RESCUE":
100% of the donations will be spend on
supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.).
Every 1 EUR in donations allows us to reach 500 individuals
with the petition message
and get more signatures.
The petition as the goal to enroll a solution to some diseases.
April 2, 2022
The wold is full of diseases that have been controled by modern medicine. The severe diseases that affect the brain, like Parkinson's, Alzheimer, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuromyelitis optica and all others I don't mention, spend millions od dollars in drugs without effectiv control. This diseases don't kill, right away but destroy a person dignity causing all kinds of difficulties, serious enough damage complete families. This petition demands from governments effective money to end this epidemic that affects millions of lifes in the modern wold. It will be sent to the government of all countries that reserch urgently to get results quickly. We ask to all of you to sign, this paper to change the life of millions suffering. Thank you all.Support the petition "BRAIN RESCUE":
100% of the donations will be spend on
supporting this petition (legal, agitation, administration, etc.).
Every 1 EUR in donations allows us to reach 500 individuals
with the petition message
and get more signatures.
Petition Timeline
- 2022 Apr 02
Petition initiated
- 2022 Apr 02
2022 Jul 02Signatures collected